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Emma Watson: Hottest Sexiest Photo Collection

English actress Emma Watson has collected quite fan base over the years. No surprise, Emma playing one of America’s most beloved characters, Hermione Granger (a mainstay of the Harry Potter film franchise), Emma was able to do that which most actress yearn for.

This being, landing a winning acting gig right out the gate that catapults your career with no prior film history. Now we try and make it a point to feature actresses here that have contributed to the horror genre, though with Emma still being young (now 29), she still has a full career ahead of her where she will have plenty of chances as they arrive.


Rather Emma has contributed largely on the fantasy end of things of course with the Potter films and now the inclusion of 2017’s “Beauty and the Beast” and 2014’s “Noah”. We even will make mention of the engaging theme per “The Circle” where she appears with noted actor Tom Hanks pushing the intrigue behind the future of tech and AI. Do we anticipate more Potter films? Probably not, but we do anticipate Emma Watson playing “like” characters as they are offered to her. At present her trajectory appears to be concentrating on breaking that characterization and leaning towards drama and comedy (and maybe a few horror film inclusions wouldn’t hurt either??)

Young and lovely, Emma was one that had to go into our gallery. In fact, we were hard pressed to find images that didn’t appear to be faked (which in her case seems to be quite often making this quest a bit more intriguing than normal).

At present, you will notice that the photographers and magazines have wasted no time in staying on top of Emma’s career by a smattering of photo sessions catapulting yet another attraction in her journey, a modeling career. Emma Watson was also awarded Best British Style at the 2014 British Fashion Awards, a nice inclusion to her. You might also note her recent inclusion onto the cover of GQ magazine!


Again we have located a nice mix of photos and imagery what we are calling: “Emma Watson’s Hottest Sexiest Photo Collection

Stay tuned for more sexiness and compelling photos for our gallery!

(Photos and image rights belong to their respective photographers and publications)

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