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Interview: Teach Grant (IT Chapter Two)


“Teach Grant is set to star as the adult ‘Henry Bowers’ in the highly anticipated film It: Chapter 2, premiering September 6th. He was recently seen playing ‘Stan Grichuk’ in AMC’s “The Terror” and ‘Preston Riley’ in USA’s “Damnation”. He is best known for directing, co- writing, and acting in the mystery drama, Down Here. He’s has also appeared as ‘Scarhead’ in SyFy’s “Van Helsing”, and as ‘Harold Waters’ in USA’s “Rush”.  Past credits also include “Once Upon A Time”, “Supernatural”, “Lucifer”, iZombie”, “The 100”.”

HI Teach, How are you?

Teach- I’m well and yourself.

I am doing well. Thanks. Tell us about playing Henry Bowers in IT Chapter Two?

Teach- Henry Bowers is a rather complex character and I had some questions. They were accommodating. What I needed to know was how far gone and sort of how psychotic Henry has become? How far I could take it and that made me want to take a swing of the bat. From there I was waiting on a call-back and I was in L.A. and the next day I got the call and they said I had been approved. It is an unusual thing for an actor to play a character that has already been developed and cultivated. It is like doing this partially backwards.  Henry was in a way tricked by a clown to do some of his evil bidding. Henry never had the opportunity to grow up. He never got to have his first childhood, graduate, get married and all the things people get to do to turn into an adult so he is kind of a wild man-child. It was difficult for Henry.


I think this film plays on deep fears. You do get immersed in this story. When you have had traumatic stuff happen to you, sometimes you go to movies and they can invoke a lot of fear. Did you feel that you had to go to a darker place to really portray Henry?

Teach- One hundred percent. I showed up willing and ready and motivated to get dark. I came loaded with darkness. Something that Andy Muschietti (The Director) really massaged me towards was Henry is getting out and it’s kind of like he is having the time of his life. He is being set free after twenty-seven years. I think without Andy saying it, there was one foot on either side of that line.

What was it like working with the director, Andy Muschietti?

Teach- Andy’s is fun. He really likes to play and he gives multiple variations of a scene. It’s refreshing because he doesn’t come in with plans, he is more open. For me it was about trusting Andy and trusting myself.

What do you want to say to the audiences that will be watching the film and so much of the work you do? I think you portraying Henry was almost meant to be. You do an incredible job.

Teach- Thank you for that. I had a volatile childhood myself and having Henry come along is a little bit of a gift. I would like to go back and say to young Henry Bowers and pat him on the shoulder and say, “You don’t have to become you’re father.” There is a little bit of that in my own life. The fans watching this movie, I’d like to say the fears that you had as a teenager and how you dealt with them and then the things that you learned over the next coupled decades, you kind of think, did I really get over them? Did they hold me back? What are my new fears? It is kind of an opportunity to kind of flush and cleanse at our age.


I agree and life can be terrible and it means a lot when you can turn it into something positive.

Teach- Yes.

May I ask what you are working on next?

Teach- There is nothing that I can say right now.

Do you have a favorite Stephen King book or a go-to film that you watch?

Teach- Yes I do. The Shining is just a masterpiece.

I love The Shining. Jack is incredible. It is one of my all-time favorite books and the movie is incredible.

Teach- It is so psychological and it’s Jack and the two little girls in the hallway had to be one of the scariest things I’ve ever seen on film. That’s amazing. When Doctor Sleep came around, I wanted to get on that movie. I think Ewan McGregor is going to do a fantastic job.


I am excited to see that! I think it will be great.

Teach- Absolutely and I have a feeling that from what I can see in the trailer that it will be a little closer to the same conflict as The Shining. Stephen King is not just a national treasure, he is a global treasure.

Yes, he is. You are awesome and you really bring these characters to life. Thank you so much for taking time to talk with Horrornews.net 

Teach- Thank you very much for having me. I appreciate the time and the questions.

Thank you.

TEACH GRANT IMDB https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0335242/


@teach.grant on Instagram


One comment

  1. 418c2bb4dca9c4bffc2b5b61c70e9bee?s=65&r=g

    exelent interview.


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