Killer Rack, the award-winning horror comedy written by Paul McGinni and directed by Gregory Lamberson (Slime City, Johnny Gruesome), is being adapted as a musical stage production by Neal Radice. Killer Rack: The Feminist Horror Comedy will run for four weeks this fall, Sept. 14th – Oct. 7th, at the prestigious Alleyway Theatre in Buffalo, New York, where the film was shot. Armand John Petri and Joe Rozler, who created the original music and songs for the film, are collaborating with Radice on additional songs for the musical. Casting announcements are pending.
“Armand and Joe created a great score for Killer Rack,” says Lamberson. “After we completed the film, Armand kept insisting the story would work as an outright musical, and he pitched the idea to Neal, who is one of the leaders of the Buffalo theatre community. Neal quickly wrote a stage adaptation that’s hilarious and faithful to the original script. He’s directing, and Paul and I can’t wait to see our baby on stage with a whole lot of singing and dancing. People who may not have given the film a second thought will embrace this stage version.”
Killer Rack screened at 20 film festivals, winning multiple awards for Best Screenplay, Best Horror Comedy, Best Actress, Best Special Make-Up Effects, Best Monster and Best Song (“Funbags”). Starring Jessica Zwolak, Debbie Rochon, Lloyd Kaufman and Brooke Lewis, the film is available on DVD from Camp Motion Pictures. Killer Rack: The Feminist Horror Comedy follows in the footsteps of other cult film-to-stage musical productions as Little Shop of Horrors and Evil Dead: The Musical. Petri and Rozler are also currently scoring Lamberson’s current film, Johnny Gruesome.