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Tag Archives: Tony Moran

Dead Bounty


SYNOPSIS: While on the search of a fleeing felon, a group of bounty hunters head into a vast New England forest in hopes to capture this dangerous man. While on the trail of their quarry, the group encounters more than just a murderer on the run when they are confronted with a seemingly endless horde of the undead. With no …

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Film Review: Beg (2010)


Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: Jack Fox, a burnt out detective, is being forced into early retirement, as the worst serial killer since the Boston Strangler begins a killing spree through the streets of Salem. When detective Steve Ryan moves to town with his family, Jack is torn between a life of retirement and sanity or helping rookie detective Ryan in his …

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Film Review: Halloween (1978)


SYNOPSIS: The first flick in the trilogy from director John Carpenter, Halloween almost single-handedly invented the 1980s slasher genre. Escaped lunatic Michael Myers (no, not the Austin Powers actor) goes on a murderous baby-sitter-slaying rampage on Halloween. Only baby sitter Jamie Lee Curtis (the quintessential scream queen) and psychiatrist Donald Pleasence can stop him. REVIEW:

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