Synopsis: SHORTCUT follows a group of five classmates trapped inside their school bus after a mysterious creature invades the road. Every passing minute decreases their survival chances against the constant threats of that unknown entity.
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Trailer: SHORTCUT, horror adventure hitting drive-ins Sept 21
GRAVITAS VENTURES AQUIRES NORTH AMERICAN RIGHTS TO HORROR ADVENTURE FILM ‘SHORTCUT’ Film starring international cast from Rome-based Minerva Pictures; Theatrical date set for Sept. 25th with traditional 90-day window until digital release Dec. 22nd Gravitas Ventures, a Red Arrow Studios company, has acquired the North American distribution rights to the horror adventure film SHORTCUT. Directed by Alessio Liguori and written …
Read More »Upcoming thriller ‘Shortcut’ debuts trailer ahead of Sept 25 theatrical release
GRAVITAS VENTURES AQUIRES NORTH AMERICAN RIGHTS TO HORROR ADVENTURE FILM ‘SHORTCUT’ Film starring international cast from Rome-based Minerva Pictures; Theatrical date set for Sept. 25th with traditional 90-day window until digital release Dec. 22nd Gravitas Ventures, a Red Arrow Studios company, has acquired the North American distribution rights to the horror adventure film SHORTCUT. Directed by Alessio Liguori and written …
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