Thompson portrayed crime scene investigator Jimmy Price on all three seasons of ‘Hannibal.’ Best known for Canadian ensemble sketch comedy series The Kids in the Hall, Thompson was a member of Hannibal’s “Team Sassy Science,” along with Hettienne Park (“Beverley Katz”) and Aaron Abrams (“Brian Zeller”). He also hosted the popular “Post Mortem” series on the Hannibal Blu-ray releases. …
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TV Review: Hannibal (Season 2) (TV Series) (2014)
Rate This MovieSYNOPSIS: Season 2 of the hit TV series “Hannibal” continues with Will Graham now locked up and Hannibal keeping close to what he does best REVIEW:
Read More »TV Review: Hannibal (Season 1) (TV Series) (2013)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Explores the early relationship between the renowned psychiatrist and his patient, a young FBI criminal profiler, who is haunted by his ability to empathize with serial killers. REVIEW: Hannibal, the TV series, is unlike anything on television. Based on the book “Red Dragon” by Thomas Harris and the character franchise of Hannibal Lecter (which grew fame …
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