Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS Taking place years after The Haunting of Molly Hartley, who now, as an adult, has fallen under the possession of an evil spirit and must be exorcised by a fallen priest before the devil completely takes her. REVIEW: Exorcism films are a “seen one, seen them all” bag of tricks so a lot of effort is …
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Film Review: Wolfcop (2014)
SYNOPSIS: As a series of strange and violent events start happening, an alcoholic policeman realizes that he has been turned into a werewolf as part of a larger plan, so he investigates with the help of his partner and his friend. REVIEW: The month of October arrived with a few new werewolf themed movies for all of us to grouse …
Read More »Film Review: The Blackburn Asylum (2015)
SYNOPSIS: A forest fire and rock-slide trap five bickering college friends in a small Alaskan ghost town with a horrifying history. When they seek refuge inside the torched ruins of Blackburn Asylum they must fight to survive as the angry inhabitants slaughter the friends one-by-one.
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