Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Spanning four centuries, this petrifying Gothic thriller recounts the anguished past of the L’Merchant clan, who unwittingly fashioned the puzzle box that unlocked Hades’ gates — and unleashed the monstrous Pinhead (Doug Bradley). As he and his band of diabolical demons propagate evil on Earth, three generations of L’Merchants (all portrayed by Bruce Ramsey) battle the …
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Film Review: Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth (1992)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: When J.P. (Kevin Bernhardt), a playboy club owner, buys a mysterious-looking puzzle box and mistakes it for a work of art, he has no idea that Pinhead, “the Black Pope of Hell” (Doug Bradley), is trapped inside. Playing tricks on his captor’s mind, Pinhead tries his best to manipulate J.P. into breaking him out of his …
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