SYNOPSIS: In “Parasomnia,” a stylish horror/thriller from director William Malone (“House on Haunted Hill,” “Masters of Horror,”) Laura Baxter is a young woman, literally a “sleeping beauty,” who suffers from a medical condition called “parasomnia.” A childhood accident victim, she is actually sleeping her life away, awakening briefly on rare occasions. Art student Danny Sloan falls in love with her, …
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Film Review: The Zombinator (2012)
SYNOPSIS: A fashion blogger documentary turns into a Zombie horror nightmare when Youngstown Ohio college students come face to face with the undead. Their only hope of survival is a former soldier turned zombie killer trying to protect them from a mercenary working for an evil corporation who developed the serum that causes zombie-ism. REVIEW: There is only so much …
Read More »Film Review: Minority Report (2002)
SYNOPSIS: “Based on a Philip K. Dick short story, Minority Report is about a cop in the future working in a division of the police department that arrests killers before they commit the crimes, courtesy of some future-viewing technology. John Anderton has the tables turned on him when he is accused of a future crime and must find out what …
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