Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: In PG: PSYCHO GOREMAN, siblings Mimi and Luke unwittingly resurrect an ancient alien overlord who was entombed on Earth millions of years ago after a failed attempt to destroy the universe. They nickname the evil creature Psycho Goreman (or PG for short) and use the magical amulet they discovered to force him to obey their childish whims. …
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Film Review: Psycho Goreman (2020)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Two siblings unearth an ancient alien overlord and all hell breaks loose on earth as those from his home planet try to stop him from destroying the universe.
Read More »Film Review: Transference (2020)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Joshua must protect his twin-sister, Emma, who possesses supernatural abilities and keep her safe from an unstoppable secret agent hunting them for an experiment in a classified government program. REVIEW: I know many of you horror fans out there like superhero films. Maybe this was aimed at you because I don’t particularly like them and this …
Read More »Death on Scenic Drive (2017)
SYNOPSIS: A young woman named Larissa (Stephanie Ash), encounters an entity that transforms her into death itself, and reins a violent storm against Dallas Henson (Ry Barrett) and the family that resides there.
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