Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Ten years after a tragic train accident killed his girlfriend, Josh finds himself haunted by disturbing visions from somewhere between the world of the living and the dead-haunting memories that keep him from moving on. His buddy, Rusty back in town for their high school reunion, tries to wake Josh from his painful past, but a …
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Film Review: Rise of the Zombies (2012)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Survivors of a zombie plague escape their island refuge (Alcatraz) when it’s overrun, risking the outside world to find a scientist who is rumored to have found a cure for the disease. REVIEW: If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair…because, according to the Syfy channel’s original movie, “Rise …
Read More »Film Review: I Spit on your Grave (2010)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: A woman who is brutally raped during a cabin retreat seeks retribution against her attackers who left her for dead. REVIEW: You know, back in 1978 when I was just a Black Saint in training i took in a movie with a bunch of my acolytes (yes I had them way back then as well). It …
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