The much anticipated animated film ONIGAMIDEN from Hirotsugu Kawasaki (SPRIGGAN) has finally received its first teaser trailer. The film, based on Takafumi Takada’s two-part novel of the same name, tells the story of a boy named Jun Tendo who travels 1200 years into the past. There the boy finds himself trapped in Kyoto during the Heian period, and all around him people are engaged in terrifying battles with demons. In order for Jun Tendo to survive, he must learn from the past. To learn more about this film you can check out the official website:
“ONIGAMIDEN is primarily set in Heian period Kyoto during a time of fierce fighting between people and “oni” (demons). Somehow, a 15-year-old modern-day boy named Jun Tendo slips back in time 1200 years and finds himself caught in the middle of the ancient battle.”
ONIGAMIDEN will be released by Sony Pictures in Japan on April 29, 2011, and you can learn more about this film at the official movie website located here: