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Book Review: Everybody Dies Famous in a small Town – Author Wrath James White


Written by Wrath James White
Published by: Thunderstorm Books
Publication Date: 2010
Format: Black /White
Price: $13.95

After reading Wrath James White’s previous books I was ready for anything when I received my copy of Everyone Dies Famous in a Small Town. I was expecting another intense and violent and sickly graphic tale of madness and murder. When I read this book I was surprised. The book was really good, just like his previous two books published by Dorchester Publishing. Again, Wrath came up with strong believable characters. Characters that you could actually care for and a supernatural twist that I have never heard of and is very fresh to see. There is a lot of pain and anguish written within these pages of this short novel. The story has a strong way of pulling you in and taking you for one wild thrill ride where you will not even know when it would end.

The book revolves around a tragic character named Mika who seems to have every bad thing happening at once all around her. This is a character that is just like any other character with realistic problems that you may see in your everyday life. Her pain and turmoil is unlike anything anyone should never have to go through. Mika has only one true friend who cares about her the most, Jenny. The relationship and bond Mika shares with Jenny is strong, it develops even further the more you read in this novel.

The threat that has befallen the town Mika and Jenny live in is in the form of the Pahoha a type of demon that is in the form of water babies that have a way of luring anyone who sees them into the water which they haunt. It seems that everyone who Mika knows has seen these water babies and have fallen victim to their curse.

When reading this novel, I was pleasantly surprised this was not another cheap thrill ride. What Wrath James White had written was one of intrigue. The hopelessness and despair is strong within the pages of this short novel. It’s those two things that make this book a very powerful story to be told. We see the pain and turmoil the character of Mika goes through when everyone she cares about the most are violently ripped from her very grasp.

We are able to fee the sadness and self inflicted pain she feels when she feels helpless to save those she cares about the most. Not to mention the fact she is a drug addict and seeks chemicals to relieve her of the pain and suffering that she is forced to go through. It seems that no one around her is willing to believe or help her. Jenny and her estranged biological father are the only ones she could turn to for help.

Available at Thunderstorm Books

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