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Podcast: Decades of Horror 1970′s Eps 010 – The Manitou (1978)

“Evil Does Not Die…It Waits…to be Re-Born.” The tag line for The Manitou (1978) promises the birth of a modern horror classic monster. The re-release of William Girdler’s film reveals a number of its more prominent influences, “Possession marked The Exorcist. Demonaic Pregenacy arupted Rosemary’s Baby. Warnings followed The Omen. And The Manitou has it all combined!” The Black Saint and Doc Rotten tackle another groovy horror film from the 1970s.

Decades of Horror 1970s
Episode 10 – The Manitou (1978)

For The Manitou, Doc Rotten and The Black Saint are joined by North Carolina writer/director/fxartist Bill (400 Ways to Kill a Vampire, A Few Brains More) Mulligan to discuss THE FILM at the top of The Black Saint’s all-time favorite films. The man adores this movie. Tony Curtis, Michael Ansara, Susan Stragberg, Stella Stevens, Jon Cedar and Burgess Meredith top line the film that pits Curtis’ Harry Erskine and Michael Ansara’s John Singing Rock against the 200 year old Medicine Man, Misquemacus.

We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans:  leave us a message or leave a comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at theblacksaint@decadesofhorror.com or docrotten@decadesofhorror.com.

4 manitou bonus manitou13 manitou15

One comment

  1. d02011039173122061896d892e125505?s=65&r=g

    This movie bestowed upon me a message that influenced the rest of my life.”ALL THINGS POSSESS A MANITOU, A LIFE FORCE WITHIN THEM. THE ROCKS, THE TREES, THE WIND, THE WATERS, ALL THINGS!!!


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