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Home | British Actress Melanie Denholme Shocks With New Horror Film

British Actress Melanie Denholme Shocks With New Horror Film

scream-queenBritish actress, Melanie Denholme, has shocked the cult film world with her award-winning performance in the horror exploitation film, Anna: Scream Queen Killer.

In the film, Denholme plays an actress performing erotic horror scenes for a perverted film Director. As the process continues the Director pushes her a little too far and she turns.

“It was a very bizarre role to play. On the one hand it was strange because I had to play myself in many ways as an actress actually auditioning, but on the other, I had to go far beyond anything I would in real life.” Said Melanie.

The role recently won Melanie best actress with the indie film festival and the film is shocking many for the extremely erotic nature.

“It’s a modern exploitation movie, aimed at shock.” Said writer and Director, Aquinas.

Released under the Chemical Burn Entertainment label in the USA, this all British production is showing the hardened American film fans that the Brits can still shock. On a budget of zero, the film is a true indie flick.

Melanie and Aquinas have already filmed two more shockers, Dark Satanic Magick and Ancient Demon Succubi and it is claimed these go even further.

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