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Home | NBC Continues To Embrace Horror

NBC Continues To Embrace Horror

News from the NBC camp today shows the networks continued interest in the horror genre and they are putting their money where their mouth is by greenlighting a couple new horror projects in the form of two miniseries and what they are may just surprise you.

First up is a retelling of ROSEMARY’S BABY. It appears that the project would be a 4 hour – two night event and all we know at this point is that the story will be set in Paris and the script is being wrangled by Scott Abbott.

Project number two will be a retelling of THE TOMMYKNOCKERS the Stephen King tale that has already gotten the mini-series treatment from ABC way back in 1993. The only thing known about this one is that Yves Simoneau has been attached to direct.

So, both of these projects are gearing up and I’m sure we’ll be talking about them a lot in the coming months.


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