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Podcast: Monster Movie Podcast – Eps 44

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Featuring: Oz The Great and Powerful, Iron Man 3 and The Walking Dead.

Welcome to the Monster Movie Podcast. Join us this week for balloons, baboons and buffoons as co-hosts Doc Rotten and Thomas Mariani take a merry ole trip to Oz! This is episode 44, recorded March 11, 2013.  Sam Raimi is back with Disney’s Oz the Great and Powerful featuring James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle Williams. Robert Downey Jr. is back in the trailer for Shane Black’s Iron Man 3. And Andrew Lincoln and David Morrissey face off as Rick and the Governor on The Walking Dead.

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As children, the earliest exposure to elements of horror are those found in fairy tales and in classic children’s movies such as The Wizard of Oz. L. Frank Baum’s much beloved book series are the inspiration for Disney’s and Sam Raimi’s revisit to the land of Oz. Oz the Great and Powerful follows the adventures of Oscar Diggs (Franco), Oz for short, a magician for a traveling circus who is whisked away by a tornado while in Kansas. He lands in Oz, meets Theodora (Kunis) and cons the entire kingdom into believing he is the great and powerful wizard of Oz. Doc and Thomas love the film but debate its troubled second act while Thomas has trouble with the wicked witch herself.

Iron Man launched a super-heroic franchise for Marvel Studios in 2008 and Tony Stark & Crew are back for Iron Man 3. This time, they face the villainy of The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley), a ruthless terrorist out to destroy Stark. Directed by Shane Black, the trailer promises unbelievable and unparalleled action – and an army of Iron Man suits at Stark’s side. Doc and Thomas barely contain their excitement for this upcoming summer blockbuster as they discuss the merits of the trailer and the promise of Kingsley’s Mandarin.

Then, the dastardly duo continue their look into AMC’s hit, hot, zombie TV show The Walking Dead. With Arrow on the Doorpost, Rick finally meets and faces the Governor as Andrea arranges their meeting to negotiate peace. The Governor has other plans. The show continues to build and build toward the inevitable confrontation between Rick and his survivors and those living at Woodbury.

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