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Home | GRIMM Official Magazine At Newsstands Now!

GRIMM Official Magazine At Newsstands Now!

grimm-1-cover-362x500GRIMM magazine – On SALE NOW!

Grimm Magazine, based on the hit NBC show, hitting newsstands in 2013

Following the success of NBC’s hit TV-show Grimm, Titan Magazines will publish two special collector’s edition magazines. Issue #1 is on sale nowand will be the ultimate companion to the show.

Inspired by the classic Grimm Brothers’ fairy tales, NBC’s Grimm follows Portland Homicide Detective Nick Burkhardt (David Giuntoli, Turn the Beat Around). After he discovers he’s descended from an elite line of criminal profilers known as ‘Grimms,’ Nick increasingly finds his responsibilities as a detective at odds with his new responsibilities as a ‘Grimm.’

This exciting 148-page Grimm Magazine is licensed through NBCUniversal Television Consumer Products, and is jam-packed full of interviews and behind-the-scenes secrets! It features talks with the stars including: David Giuntoli, Russell Hornsby (Hank), Bitsie Tulloch (Juliette), Silas Weir Mitchell (Monroe), Reggie Lee (Sgt. Wu), Sasha Roiz (Captain Renard), and Bree Turner (Rosalee).

The producers provide insight on the show’s direction going forward, and the writers let us in on their secrets! Plus, find out what goes into the making of Grimm from the show’s special effects, costuming, stunts, and production design teams.

Issue #2 will be available in summer 2013 with more exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes secrets and lots more!

Grimm Magazine issue #1 is available now on newsstands and in specialty comic book stores in the U.S., and will be available in the U.K. on March 21 and Australia & New Zealand on April 27.

Issue #1 is also available to purchase online http://titanmagazines.com/grimm

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