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Home | Hammer down with 3 new releases on Bluray

Hammer down with 3 new releases on Bluray

Hammer Films seems to really be getting a boost these days in the way of new books coming out and film releases. Word was sent over that in fact 3 Studio Canal films will be arriving on Bluray. Exciting stuff.
All available this Feb 27

Dracula: Prince of Darkness

First Sequel to the Hammer Studios version of the Dracula Legend teaming Christopher Lee as the Count and his arch enemy Peter Cushing as the famous Vampire hunter Van Helsing. In this installment the count is brought back from the dead after his destruction in the original film. Dracula proceeds to pick up where he left off by terrorizing the people visiting his castle where ultimately good and evil again clash.

The Reptile

Harry George Spalding and his wife Valerie arrive in a small village in Cornwall to take up residence in the small cottage left to them in Harry’s brother’s will, after his untimely, and unattributed death a few weeks earlier. It soon becomes clear that something is very wrong in the village, and with some help from “Mad” Peter (John Laurie), and Tom the barman (Michael Ripper), Harry discovers the evil presence behind the mysterious Dr. Franklyn (Noel Willman) and his daughter.

The Plague of the Zombies

Young workers are dying because of a mysterious epidemic in a little village in Cornwall. Doctor Thompson is helpless and asks professor James Forbes for help. The professor and his daughter Sylvia travel to Thomson. Terrible things happen soon, beyond imagination or reality. Dead people are seen near an old, unused mine. Late people seem to live suddenly. Professor Forbes presumes that black magic is involved and someone has extraordinary power. He doesn’t know how close he is: the dead become alive because of a magic voodoo-ritual, and so they must serve their master as mindless zombies

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