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Book Review: Voyeurs of Death – Author Shaun Jeffrey

VoyeursOfDeath_smVoyeurs Of Death by Shaun Jeffrey
(Dark Regions Press)

From monsters to ghosts, Shaun Jeffrey runs the gamut in this new and expanded collection. Herein are found a diverse mix of the sinister, erotic, strange and surreal. From the foreboding alleyways of Venice to a bleak Scottish island, the horror is never far away. A young boy fixes dead things. You can’t always judge a man by the cut of his suit, especially when the suit isn’t made of cloth. A relaxing cruise is anything but once the passengers start to die, only to then come back to life. And a trip to the past has dire consequences for the future. Now turn the page and join the voyeurs of death.

Table of Contents

The Flibbertigibbet
The Watchers
The Sin Box (only found in this edition!)
The Tunnel
The Quilters of Thurmond
Bugs (only found in this edition!)
Sin Eater
Voyeurs of Death
Life Cycle
Dark Inside
On the Brink of Extinction (only found in this edition!)
Venetian Kiss
Peac**k Lawn
Snake Charmer
Park Life
Vessels (only found in this edition!)
Skinner (only found in this edition!)

Shaun Jeffrey’s “Voyeurs of Death” really took my by surprise.  I had just finished his novel “The Kult” a few weeks ago and really like it, but “Voyeurs Of Death” blew me away.

The stories are an eclectic mix of tales that range from the supernatural to the erotic with a few monsters and other creatures of the night thrown in.

Mr. Jeffrey shows a wide range of styles and imagination, leading his readers down a frightening path that will be sure to elicit a few goosebumps and sleepless nights along the way.

I couldn’t find a weak story in the bunch bet there were definitely a couple that were my favorites;

Bugs; This was my favorite in the book…just struck a chord with me.

Life Cycle; A mother always loves her children.

Clockwork; If only it was that easy

Snake Charmer; Things don’t always happen the way you want.

All in all “Voyeurs of Death” was an exceptional collection and would look very nice sitting atop your TBR pile. I highly recommend it.

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