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Unexplained Confidential: Joyhorrors Hall of Horror

Joyhorror’s Hall of Horror List of 13 Inductees:

I am honored to announce Joyhorror’s Hall of Horror inductees for the Class of 2011. This is our very first year and I think we have an outstanding selection of talent from the horror movie industry being represented. We have taken the traditional Hall of Fame concept and have made it completely frightening. Let’s give thanks to those genre greats who have made a living of scaring the ghost out of us. This year we are laying the ground work for an event that should ultimately become bigger and better each and every year. This year we will be inducting 13 individuals who helped create the monsters, killers, ghosts, ghouls, and madmen that haunted our lives for so many chilling years. Why 13? It’s a number that’s been synonymous with horror since the beginning. You never see a 13th floor in a building and Friday the 13th is a day of the month that everyone dreads, accept maybe horror fans. Here’s our number 13 –

Alfred Hitchcock (August 13 1899 – April 29 1980)Alfred-hitch

 Psycho (1960), The Birds (1963), Rear Window (1954), Vertigo (1958), The Trouble with Harry (1955), Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1955), The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1962)

When starting the Hall of Horror and picking the first 13 icons, the very first name that I wrote down was Alfred Hitchcock. I think that speaks volumes about his status in the horror community. The list of names could start with anyone, but it is that first thought that enters your head that means the most.

Hitchcock and Horror are two words that will forever be linked together. The shower scene in Psycho has been the blue print for every single shower scene since. He is known as the Master of Suspense, and for great reason. He is in fact that – The Master!

Rod Serling (December 25, 1924 – June 28, 1975)blog-rod-serling

The Twilight Zone (1959), Night Gallery (1969), Planet of the Apes (1968)He has written some of the most thought provoking stories to ever been put on film and television.

The Twilight Zone is perhaps the greatest Sci-Fi television program ever produced. Planet of the Apes is perhaps the greatest Sci-Fi movie ever made. You can compelling argue that statements, and that’s to the credit of Serling’s genius. That is not a word that I throw around lightly. I find is amazing that Rod Serling was born on December 25th, Christmas day.

Vincent Price (May 27, 1911 – October 25, 1993)


 The Fly (1958), House of Wax (1958), House on Haunted Hill (1959), The Invisible Man Returns (1940), House of Usher (1960), The Raven (1963), The Comedy of Terrors (1963), Pit and the Pendulum (1961), The Oblong Box (1969), Edward Scissorhands (1990)

Vincent Price has done more for bringing horror the mainstream than anyone else. Vincent Price is the most respected man in the horror genre and he was able to use his celebrity and bring a taste of horror outside the genre.

Vincent Price while a small part, played the Invisible Man in the boat alongside Budd and Lou, in Abbott & Costello meet Frankenstein. Vincent Price had a lock on the family sitcom, when he trapped the Brady Bunch in a cave. Vincent Price also made an appearance on The Muppet Show and does anyone remember The Hilarious House of Frankenstein?

In what helped launch the MTV generation, Vincent Price’s voice captured a whole new audience in Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video. What hasn’t Vincent Price done is probably a more appropriate question. He has been there promoting the horror that we love every step of the way.

Peter Cushing (May 26 1913 – August 11 1994)cushing

 House of Dracula (1958), The Mummy (1959), The Skull (1965), Horror Express (1972), The Satanic Rites of Dracula (1974), Star Wars (1977), Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell (1974), Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1969)

He’s played Van Helsing to Sherlock Holmes to Doctor Who. These are some of the most iconic characters in the history of the motion picture. He’s played both sides of the coin. Throughout his career, he’s often been the hero against his evil counterpart, Christopher Lee. He’s also played madmen and villains as in Dr. Frankenstein and Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars. Peter Cushing has made such an in-print on the horror genre, one can say that there probably wouldn’t be a Hammer Films if there wasn’t a Peter Cushing.

Christopher Lee (born May 27 1922)


The Curse of Frankenstein (1957), Horror of Dracula (1958), Scream and Scream Again (1970), The Creeping Flesh (1973), Count Dracula (1970), Lord of the Rings (2001) The House that Dripped Blood (1971), The Oblong Box (1969)

It’s hard not to mention Christopher Lee when you mention Peter Cushing. They were the backbone of Hammer Films. Christopher Lee re-created the image of Count Dracula, picking up brilliantly where Bela Lugosi had left off. His range of evil characters have stretched from Dr. Fu Manchu to Scaramanga in the James Bond movie, The Man with the Golden Gun. From one generation to the next and from one Count to another, Christopher Lee’s fan base is ever growing, as he’s added Star Wars fanatics to his followers by playing to dreaded Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Christopher Lee also conquered the Lord of the Ring and Hobbit franchise playing the character of Saruman. The evil of his characters known no bounds, thank goodness and thank you!

Boris Karloff (November 23 1887 – February 2 1969) frank-398x500

 Frankenstein (1931), The Mummy (1932), Bride of Frankenstein (1935), House of Frankenstein (1944), Son of Frankenstein (1939), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)

The Frankenstein Monster! Some might think it was Dr. Frankenstein who brought life to the monster, but it was really Boris Karloff. Karloff played the monster so convincingly that no one has ever been able to come close to his performance in playing the monster, and many have tried. Karloff repeats his talent at playing monsters when he became The Mummy.

I don’t think there was ever a man who played a monster, any monster, any better than Boris Karloff.

Bela Lugosi (October 20 1882 – August 16 1956) BelaLugosi02

Dracula (1931), White Zombie (1932), The Wolf Man (1941), Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948), Bride of the Monster (1955), Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959)

Bela Lugosi was to Dracula what Boris Karloff was to Frankenstein. Let me clarify, Bela Lugosi was Dracula!

The greatest horror character of all time in the greatest horror novel of all time, was brought to life by one man and his name was Bela Lugosi. He was more invested into that character than Karloff as Frankenstein or Chaney Jr. as The Wolf Man.

There have been many great actors who played Count Dracula, but there was only one original. If there wasn’t a Bela Lugosi there very well might not be a True Blood or Twilight series. In a long history of movie vampires, Bela Lugosi would be the Master Vampire!

Lon Chaney Jr. (February 10, 1906 – July 12, 1973)

wolfmanThe Wolf Man (1941), The Mummy’s Tomb (1942), The Mummy’s Curse (1944), Frankenstein meets The Wolf Man (1943), House of Frankenstein (1944), Dracula vs Frankenstein (1971)

He is 1of the 3 from the original triple threat of horror alongside Karloff and Lugosi. He keeps some pretty strong company in that regard. It’s just like The Wolf Man will always and forever be linked with Frankenstein and Dracula.

From the first time Lon Chaney Jr. transformed into a werewolf he cemented his place in the Hall of Horror. The Full Moon shines brightly on the Fame of Lon Chaney Jr.


Stephen King (born September 21, 1947)
creepshow11Carrie (1976), Salem’s Lot (1979), The Shining (1980), Christine (1983), Firestarter (1984), Pet Sematary (1989), Misery (1990), The Shawshank Redemption (1994), The Green Mile (1999)

He is the greatest horror writer of all time. There is no “perhaps” or “maybe” in that statement, it’s fact. There is no one that can hold a candle to the work created by Stephen King. His books are national treasures. The movies based on his books are Cinema gold. If you’re a horror fan then you are a fan of Stephen King. It’s that simple. His stories have scared and entertained audiences for decades.

Fay Wray (September 15, 1907 – August 8, 2004) fay_wray

King Kong (1933), The Vampire Bat (1933), Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933), Doctor X (1932), The Most Dangerous Game (1932), Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1958)

She’s the original Scream Queen! She set the bar high when she screamed at the site of Kong, letting all future screamers know that she will not be giving up her throne easily.

Others were considered but Fay Wray is the only female to be entered into the Hall of Horror this year. I think I have chosen wisely.

There are not many to match her talent, beauty, and of course screams!

 Peter Lorre (June 26, 1904 – March 23, 1964)peter_lorre-400x240

The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934), The Raven (1963), Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), The Comedy of Terrors (1963), The Boogie Man Will Get You (1942), The Maltese Falcon (1941)

The eyes, the voice, the presence, of Peter Lorre on the silver screen has always given me chills. He is an actor who was custom made to play roles in mystery, science fiction, and horror. He fits so perfectly into that body of work. When you start watching a Peter Lorre movie, you become mesmerized with his performance. He’s a true legend. 

Roger Corman (born April 5, 1926) roger_corman_372x280

House of Usher (1960), The Little Shop of Horrors (1960), Dementia 13 (1963), The Dunwich Horror (1970), Piranha (1978), Humanoids from the Deep (1980)

For over a half a century, Roger Corman has been producer and sometimes director of a staggering among of Cult Films. Many of those films turned the horror genre upside down. Corman is not only responsible for films, but he’s responsible for launching the careers of many of today’s top directors, everyone from Ron Howard to Steven Spielberg have given credit to Roger Corman. Roger Corman not only deserves to be in the Hall of Horrors, he deserves the entire Hall. 

Tor Johnson (October 19 1903 – May 12 1971) johnson

Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959), Mighty Joe Young (1949), Bride of the Monster (1955), Night of the Ghouls (1959), The Canterville Ghost (1944), The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961)

when you think of the name Tor Johnson you might not recognize that name as someone who would be in the Hall of Horror, but when you see the face of Tor Johnson that changes everything. It wasn’t until after Tor Johnson passed away, that Don Post Studies made the now famous Tor Johnson mask. The Halloween mask of Tor Johnson is the most recognized mask in the world. He is the expression of horror. It is for that reason that Tor Johnson is being inducted in this year’s Hall of Horror. The popularity of his image is also attributed to the comics of Drew Friedman. Tor Johnson is known for a number of B-movies, but he’s also known as The Super Swedish Angel inside the wrestling ring. In the movie Ed Wood, professional wrestler George “The Animal” Steele played Tor Johnson, as was a very good likeness.

Last week’s Unexplained Confidential was titled, “Paranormal and Science Fiction Nostalgia” and you got into my mind just a bit about a few personal memories from the 70’s and early 80’s. It’s only appropriate that I follow up with an interview that I was a part of last month. I’m used to being on the other side of the interview, being the person to ask the questions. This time I’m the one giving the answers.

SKEWED TANGENT  – Interview with Mike Joy / Horrornews.net by Teira Gosciniak.

Out of all the genres of movies, why horror?

The reasons probably date back to my childhood sitting in front of the television watching Creature Double Feature. I’ve always had a unique relationship with horror movies. As a boy, I used to love all of those old black & white Universal Studios monster movies, Frankenstein, The Mummy, and Dracula. You know what, I’m still that same person today.

Link to the complete interview –



ventura-e1303441116544Confidential Pick of the Month ( April, 2011 )
This isn’t that Oprah hogwash. We are a whole different type of book club. This is more of the equivalent of that video store nerd named Bob, putting up a VHS copy of “Repo Man” and getting a magic marker and writing “Bob’s Pick” underneath of it. The only different here is I don’t have a magic marker and my opinion is better than Bob’s.
63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read 

Now, did you think there was really any othe choice for my pick this month.   I had a eye opening talk with Jesse Ventura a few weeks ago.   If you are interested in Government Conspiracy then by all means, check out this book.

Later F’N’ Later ( that’s my official sign off , if you didn’t know by now )

One comment

  1. 09723d114be29fc85c2e1456d666b68e?s=65&r=g

    Awesome list! So glad you included King, and I agree, greatest ever. Also, you would have lost ALL credibility without The Hitch…such a huge influence. I’ve been watching The Alfred Hitchcock Hour over at DISHOnline. As a customer and employee of DISH Network I get free access to this and tons of other great shows.


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