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Home | News | FEAR FILM Releases “BLACKOUT” Web Series

FEAR FILM Releases “BLACKOUT” Web Series

BlackoutPosterFEAR FILM Motion Picture Studios announces it has released a brand new Horror Web Series called “Blackout” and plans on developing more in the future.

Tampa, FL – December 17, 2010 – FEAR FILM Motion Picture Studios announced today that it has released a brand new horror web series called “Blackout” starring Jon Fish and Katharine Leis. The new web series centers on the main female character Sara who kills her husband one night during an electrical storm, claiming to police that it was self-defense…or was it? As the police investigate, Sara is haunted by strange dreams and visions that lead her to believe that her husband is back from the grave looking for revenge. New episodes will be released every Friday on the FEAR FILM website.

Having never released a Web Series before, FEAR FILM hopes to find a new audience with the series. “This is something new for us.” says FEAR FILM owner and writer/director of the Web Series Robert J. Massetti. “We want to see if there is an audience for our brand of Horror Web Series and if there is, we want to develop more Web Series in future.” FEAR FILM hopes their loyal horror fans will like what they are trying to accomplish. “We are really excited to be able to give the fans something for free to enjoy anytime they want.” says Robert. “As an independent filmmaker, it’s important to have total control over your work and the internet is now giving us that opportunity.”

BLACKOUT can be viewed for free on the FEAR FILM Motion Picture Website at this address:


FEAR FILM Motion Picture Studios is an independent movie production company producing independent horror movies, entertainment and events. The company was founded in 1999 by award winning independent horror filmmaker Robert J. Massetti.

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