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Exhumed Films – Mischievous Monsters


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Exhumed Films Presents:

A Family Friendly Evening of Mischievous Monsters

Friday, Dec 17th, 2010
Doors: 7:30 PM
Show: 8 PM
Admission: $10

Advance Tickets are Available Now for $11 Each

Troll 2 (35mm / 1990 / Italy / Claudio Fragasso / Approx 95m)

NILBOG!!! For those of you that come to the 24 hour fest every year, you know that there is always one film that is so crazy, so amazing, so inept, that it is the talk of the night…films such as “Boarding House” and “Raw Force”. Folks, this is one of those films, but without the agony (and ecstasy) of the 24 hour fest. “Troll 2”, the endearing “Best Worst Movie” is so batsh*t stupid that it must be seen to be believed. It is so dumb that it can’t even get the name right (there are no trolls at all in the movie)! Come out and see what everyone is talking about and find out for yourself why this film is so much fun!

Gremlins (35mm / 1984 / US / Joe Dante / Approx 106m)

Exhumed favorite Joe Dante (“The Howling”) presents a holiday classic (that’s right, it takes place during Christmas) that spawned a generation of rip-offs. It turns out there are mythical gremlins in our world and after our “hero’s” father purchases one from a creepy old guy (no Frogurt included), all hell breaks loose. It seems that there are a few simple rules to owning a “mogwai”, but its new owner is too busy making goo-goo eyes at Phoebe Cates and thinking about her taking off her top in “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” that he can’t remember the rules. Pretty soon there is whole town of evil, destructive Bugs Bunny-style gremlins wreaking havoc

Theatre Location:
International House
3701 Chestnut St.
Philadellphia, PA


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One comment

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    Nice and very informative post. Your point of view is more or less the same as main. Thanks!


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