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Why Horror Fans Enjoy Slot Games

While many people are not a fan of the horror genre, it has been around for a long time having emerged in the mid-1890’s. There are many different types of horror movies, from those set-in folklore, to those based on concepts of death and demonic activity in religion. Then there are stories of witches, vampires and werewolves which offer a thrill too.

It may come as no surprise that those that enjoy the horror genre also enjoy playing casino games. Both activities offer a sense of thrill and excitement that not many other activities offer. Whether it’s the adrenaline rush that the jump scares provide, or the all-immersive audio-visual experience that watching horror movies and playing online games both offer, it’s easy to see why these two genres merge.

As of today, the online casino world has a variety of different games on offer, in which technology has allowed for some exciting themes online slots. If you’re looking for a quality online casino site with some adrenaline pumping slots the don’t dilly dally, get on bally Range will be perfect for you.

Below, we’ll take a look at the psychology behind why these games are so appealing, as well as some of the best horror casino slots that you can find online.

The psychology behind horror casino games

When playing online casino games, they can be incredibly exciting, however, they don’t always offer the same level of stimulation as an action game or a battle arena game. When it comes to horror themed slots, these games offer a whole new level of stimulation that has brain neurons firing up left, right and center.

Live casinos can offer the same kind of stimulation as it provides entertainment in the moment, keeping players more engaged and on their toes. However, there’s nothing like already being on the edge of your seat from a thrilling online slot game where you could win big, with the added excitement of jump scares and virtual danger.

Finding the best horror themed slot games

As with any online casino games, there are so many to choose from, which can make sifting through all the horror themed online slots challenging. Many peoples love for horror stems from their interest in horror films. Here are some films that have influenced the horror theme in slots:

Friday Night

The original movie Friday Night was released in 1985 and is considered a cult horror classic that is timeless. Based around a teenage horror fan that realizes his next-door neighbor is a blood-thirsty vampire. As the bodies begin to pile up, no one believes the boy who cried wolf, leading him to take on the monster by himself, in which he becomes the ‘Vampire Slayer’.

The 2011 remake of the movie with David Tennant features a character who is a magician, a Vegas Showman, and a vampire expert all wrapped into one, making it a fitting feature for an online slots theme.

Spirit of the Dead

While it may be an old movie, having been released in 1969, Spirit of the Dead is a timeless horror movie that has been used in many gaming themes. Based on an anthropology of horror stories, the tales revolved around the stories written by the master of horror – Edgar Allan Poe. Not only does this make it one of the strongest horror plots around but the original movie also has a star-studded cast, including Alain Delon, Brigitte Bardot, Jane Fonda, Peter Fonda, and Terence Stamp.

The plot revolves around an Austrian officer that is stationed in Italy in the 1800’s, in which there are many tense gambling scenes in the beginning, demonstrating the perfect pairing of the horror and gambling genres. The stakes get raised unbearably high, making for an exciting watch.

Tombstone RIP

With an RTP of 96.8%, this is another exciting slot game to get on board with. As a highly volatile, Western themed slot game, the risk of the game goes perfectly with the horror theme, only adding to the excitement and adrenaline rush provided by this thrilling game that’s certainly not for the faint hearted.

The game begins with players wandering into a desolate and eerie western town where they come across troubled heroes and blood splattered villains. With a little help from the cowboy figures in the game, players just might be able to make it through.

This game certainly isn’t for the meek or faint hearted and requires some stamina to get through it.

That’s a wrap for getting started on online horror casino games, in which the above selection offers some of the best horror slot games to get your teeth stuck into. Whether you’re new to online slots or are a seasoned player and have just discovered the horror genre, there’s a whole new and exciting world to explore. Just be sure to come prepared for some of the creepiest online slots around.

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