The entire planet is now going through a Rite of Passage (ROP). We have already crossed over from the first of three phases – Separation – and are well into the 2nd phase, known as Ordeal or Threshold. Separation is when we let go of all our attachments to traditional ways of being. In indigenous cultures that often meant initiates were violently separated from their everyday life. For boys, it sometimes meant the elders came for them in the middle of the night and, if necessary, ripped them from the arms of their mothers. Mothers would know this was coming. They knew that without initiation a boy would forever remain a boy and would never become a man, so they would play along by weeping and making a big show of separation. The boys would be taken away to the forest, the jungle, the outback, the desert, escorted to the secret and sacred sites of initiation. Read on…
Despite many festivals shutting down, and others postponing their screenings, we continue to win awards and recognition. With four of the five films in our Veterans Journey Home series nearly complete, we’re ready to bust out in a BIG WAY! Check out the new website including new clips and updates on the film subjects. Stay tuned for Fall screenings online and elsewhere.