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Home | The Day – Premiering on Topic 6/4

The Day – Premiering on Topic 6/4

The Day


Making its North American premiere on June 4, 2020.

Exclusively on Topic, the streaming service from First Look Media.

SYNOPSIS: The nerve-racking events of a cold winter’s day, seen from two different perspectives. The odd episodes tell the story of a team of police negotiators and special forces who respond to a hostage crisis in a small bank branch. The even episodes tell exactly the same events, only through the eyes of the criminals inside and their victims.

trailer “DE DAG” from SBC on Vimeo.

STARRING: Sophie Desclier, Jonas Giernaert, Jerone Perceval, Liesa Van Der Aa, Ruth Becquart, Lukas De Wolfe, Titas De Voogdt, Bert Haelvoet

WRITTEN BY: Jonas Geirnaert, Julie Mahiew

DIRECTED BY: Gilles Coulier, Dries Vos

PRODUCED BY: Tasja Abel, Jeroen Bronselaer, Klaas Cockx, Hilde Dr Laere

Country of Origin: Belgium  |  Language: Dutch/Flemish (English subtitles)

Episode Count: 12  |  Episode Length: approximately 1 hour 

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