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The Quiz on Haunted Hill – Where Horror Hosts Go Head To Head!



While the world is currently going through a pandemic like none seen in most of our lifetimes, life can seem bleak but while there is currently no end to the pandemic in sight, the Youtube Channel THE HORROR VAULT aims to bring a bit of light entertainment, fun and humour to your Friday evenings.

THE QUIZ ON HAUNTED HILL has been going since lockdown began in the UK and as of right now there has been 6 episodes with the 7th episode scheduled to livestream on 22nd May 2020 at 9pm (British Time)

The show hosted by lifelong horror fan Peter ‘Witchfinder’ Hopkins (founder of horrorscreamsvideovault) brings together 4 contestants who over the course of the show go head to head for horror glory.

Some of the contestants who have appeared on the show include Director Dustin Ferguson, actress and horror host Jennifer Nangle (Malvolia: The Queen Of Screams) and Blair Bathory.

With several rounds spread across roughly 2 hours you are bound to find enjoyment and who knows you may learn some horror trivia along the way.

On Friday 12th June 2020 at 9pm (British Time) it will be a Horror Host Special featuring 4 horror hosts who will be playing for a charity of their choosing.

The horror hosts scheduled to appear are: David Black (a.k.a. Count Funghoula), Frank Ailsworth (a.k.a. Lord Blood-Rah), James Currie (a.k.a. Al Omega) and Scott Paulson (a.k.a. Keymaster Slasher Poe).

Be sure to tune in for the livestream on Friday 12th June 2020 at 9pm (British Time) to see who will be crowned The Quiz On Haunted Hill winner.

More information on the horror hosts can be found below:

Frank Ailsworth (a.k.a. Lord Blood-Rah)

Lord Blood-Rah hosts the TV series Lord Blood-Rah’s Nerve Wrackin’ Theatre in which he presents the best, worst and wildest horror and science fiction films ever made. A nostalgic take on the classic late night horror show tradition begun in the late 1950s, each week Lord Blood-Rah guides viewers through his odd film offerings with humorous observations, fun facts and a genuine affection for the movies.

The creation of Frank Wallace-Ailsworth, himself a life long horror and sci-fi geek, Lord Blood-Rah has proclaimed himself the High Lord of Geekdom; a proud Geek who lives to spread the love of genre films to all those ready to “Geek Out.”

Since 2009 Lord Blood-Rah has hosted countless live sci-fi and horror film events and film festivals. Lord Blood-Rah’s Nerve Wrackin’ Theatre debuted in 2011 and can now be seen nationwide on various TV channels and streaming platforms. See lordbloodrah.com for more info.

David Black (a.k.a. Count Funghoula)


Scott Paulson (a.k.a. Keymaster Slasher Poe)

Welcome to The Dead Vault Horror Show as seen on YouTube as well as Indie Horror Online ,UltraToxicTV, Chiller TV, Beta Max TV,INC Horror Channel,Ten TV,The Halloween Vault on Roku And all TPG Channels On Roku and Chop Block TV on Amazon Fire TV And Roku And The Dead Vault Horror Show Facebook as well DATV Channel 5 every Friday night in Dayton Ohio.And The Vortexx @ HorrorHost.Net ,. Join Worldwide Cult Horror Host “Keymaster Slasher Poe” as he unlocks the dead vault and exhumes the coffins of Forgotten Horror.


James Currie (a.k.a. Al Omega)

We had a Creature Features show back in the ’70s and in 2008 Tom Wrysch contacted my associate and me about bringing the show back so raise awareness of his retrospective ” Keep America Strong”. Shortly after, my associate stepped away and I’ve been doing the show now for 12 Years! The show is set in the attic where my mother keeps me I watch old movies. I believe that I am the horror host shooting in 4K 60FPS.


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