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Home | Film Review: Dracula’s Coffin (short film) (2018)

Film Review: Dracula’s Coffin (short film) (2018)



Abe Van Helsing, the wayward descendant of the vampire hunter clan, enlists the services of a teen to house sit while he travels, unwittingly putting the stored corpse of Dracula in less than prepared hands.


More short films, kiddies! Today we have DRACULA’S COFFIN, written by Tim Robinson & Stephen Wolfe, and directed by Stephen Wolfe.

Our story opens on Josie (Sarah Pohl) arriving for her house sitting gig. Seems the homeowner is making a trip to Eastern Europe, you know…TRANSYLVANIA…so someone needs to keep on eye on the family artifacts in the house. Like the coffin in the basement, for instance….

Homeowner Abe (Matt Baca) leaves and boyfriend Freddy (Tim Robinson) arives. Shenanigans ensue, followed by stupid choices.

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Guys, I realize this description sounds like I’m being rude about this film, but I really loved it. It falls somewhere between FRIGHT NIGHT, ONCE BITTEN, BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER with just a hint of Hammer House of Horrors. It plays like a period piece, but Josie has an iphone so I suppose not. The total look is so 80s, right down to the music choices, the make up effects, costuming and lighting…everything.

Each character is a perfect parody of the standard archetypes on the period. Matt Baca as the hapless descendant of the illustrous Van Helsing is so crazy. He’s like the world’s oldest living virgin, and lacking any ability to do anything but the job the family has raised him to do, he’s just a ridiculous creep.

Our heroes, Josie and Freddy, are very much in that vein (pun intended) as well. Even the neioghbors we meet later on are caricature on point.

And I can’t review a vampire film without talking about the man himself, Count Dracula. In this film, the king of the undead is played by Justin Herman. So over the top, so damn funny, and all the classic style and trappings of the Hammer studios classics.

Guys, trust me on this one. Just watch it. Funny as all heck, so many little hints and easter eggs and jabs at the genre. Honestly, if you pay attention, you’ll probably find things I missed. The comedy may be a bit “frat boy” -ish but its still funny. Some times you have to not overthink it and just have fun. This is one of those moments.



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