Devil’s Gold is a horror mini-series currently being developed for Amazon Prime, by Yorkshire based film company Altruism Pictures. With a list of award-winning films already in their catalogue, the independent film company is now looking to blow people’s minds (and upset their stomachs) with their latest project.
As the synopsis describes:
Devil’s Gold is a genre defining adventure horror following British Army Captain John Marston, who will ultimately choose the side of light or dark as he faces temptation and redemption. While posted in Poland, John and his unit embark on a covert mission just days after Hitler is declared dead. All the while, a mysterious storyteller weaves a tale of hidden gold in an underground compound situated beneath an undiscovered Death Camp in war-torn Poland. Featuring an ensemble cast, fast action, unsettling horrors and good old-fashioned creepy storytelling that is guaranteed to leave you craving more; Devil’s Gold is already being dubbed “Raiders of the Lost Ark meets Hellraiser”.
“We’ve been very fortunate throughout the entire project” explains Altruism Picture’s founder, Simon Rawson “The cast and crew are passionate about telling our story”.
Each episode lasts around 5 minutes, releasing weekly from October 7th, but Simon believes this to be part of the beauty of the project.
“With each episode, we want to tease the viewer enough to get drawn in, before keeping them dangling on one heck of a cliffhanger.”
The full trailer does little to give away the plot, but Simon wants to keep it this way.
“There’s plenty of mystery and conspiracy behind the trailer; but we can assure you, the plot it as crazy and weird as the trailer!”
Devil’s Gold comes to Amazon Prime, YouTube and BluRay on October 7th 2018.