Reel Nightmare Films has released their new psychological thriller An Idle Mind is the Devil’s Playground on Amazon Prime Video USA/UK/DE and worldwide (with optional German subtitles) on Vimeo On Demand.
The film’s official synopsis reads:
“In this Twilight Zone throwback, a reclusive musician with a pathological fear of human contact finds himself in the unexpected company of several ghosts from his past.”
Written/directed by Michael Jason Allen for He Said She Said Productions, the new horror feature film boasts beautiful cinematography, eerie original music, and the endorsement of writer Spats White, a friend and collaborator of Twilight Zone creator, Rod Serling: “[An Idle Mind…] successfully reeks of (Serling’s) era and style. Knowing him as well as I did, I think I can safely assume and assert here that Mr. Serling would have totally appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed this motion picture.”
Streaming Links for An Idle Mind is the Devil’s Playground:
Amazon Prime USA:
Prime UK:
Global (with German subtitles):