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Film Review: Cycle (short film) (2016)

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A woman slowly strangles someone to death on her bed. Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door.


More short films, kiddies! Today we have CYCLE from Exiram Productions, directed by Alexis Ramirez and written by Brennan Scott.

Ah, amateur theater. In a small town, it can be the one way to stand out and make a name for oneself. Alas, Heather (Ruth Ipince) has lost out again and again over the years to local sweetheart Meg (Katherine Black). Seems like every time Heather goes for the lead, she always end up as understudy to Meg.

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Having lost out to her rival once again, Heather has had quite enough of playing second fiddle, and confronts Meg in the hopes she will step down and let Heather have the spotlight just this once.

But what if she says no?

You’ll have to watch the film to find out. This is a concise psychological story, no gore or horror in the traditional sense. It tells a very surreal story in a very real place with very real people.

Using my special short scale of one to five, five being awesome, I’m giving this film 4 Am-Drams.

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