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Home | Film Review: A Place In Hell (2015)

Film Review: A Place In Hell (2015)

Synopsis – Inspired by a real serial killer: A disgraced detective on the trail of a serial killer and a group of student filmmakers cross paths at a Halloween fright farm in the dead of winter.

boorboor place in hellA Place in Hell, deserves a place in your horror library.  There is a great balance between horror and humor with a 1980’s feel.  It’s a campy slasher romp within a serious slasher movie, and director David Boorboor knows where to draw that fine line.  It’s fun to watch a bunch of bumbling film students stumble over each other as they create a horribly bad movie, only to be picked off one by one by a real serial killer.  

What is the perfect scenario to feature one of the world’s most prominent haunted attractions?  Honestly, I can’t think of a better way to showcase Creamy Acres Night of Terror.  This haunted attraction backdrop is a main character all on it’s own, and is reminiscent of that 80’s horror classic, Funhouse.  Creamy Acres Farm in Mullica Hill, New Jersey serves as the ideal location for serial killer, Harrison Graves to stalk and massacre his victims.  The only thing that makes it that much better is the fact that this all takes place in the dead of winter. 
In a mash up of memorable characters, you really get invested in John McInnes,  a down and out detective hell bent and getting justice and revenge in order to find his own redemption.  Actor Lewis Smith (Django Unchained) plays the shit out of this character, and gets a little slap happy at times too. The cast in general had an awesome chemistry that you just can’t force.  I can only assume that this can only come about when acting in sub-zero temperatures during a brutal winter snow storm.  Whatever the situation, the acting collective was tight between both veteran and first time actors.  Noree Victoria, who plays Nicole, busts out some of the most memorable lines, “I know it’s not safe but we need to get to that farmhouse. It’s our only chance to survive” and “We have a better chance at surviving, if we split up”.
David Boorboor tackles some dramatic subject matter with serial killer, Harrison Graves, played by Atif Lanier.  He based the killer on the real life Philadelphia serial killer known as the corpse collector, who slaughtered his victims and then sexually assaulted them.  It’s some really dark material, but Boorboor through his original storytelling is able to bring some levity to the project.  He takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions and it’s refreshing to find a horror movie in these modern times that is able to do that.   Horror movies and alive and thriving in New Jersey, thanks to great directors like David Boorboor. 


  1. ?s=65&r=g

    Literally the worst movie I’ve ever seen

  2. ?s=65&r=g

    You’re too gutless to leave your name


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