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Tag Archives: Treat Williams

Film Review: Dead Heat (1988)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Roger Mortis and Doug Bigelow are cops that are dead serious when it comes to catching criminals. But when the criminals they’re chasing are already dead…things get complicated to say the least. REVIEW: In the tried and true tradition of “48 Hours”, “Tango & Cash” & any buddy cop movie you can come up with comes …

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Film Review: The Storm (2009)


SYNOPSIS: Have you been watching the news lately on CNS there is some freaky stuff going on with the weather. The pyramids are growing ice caps and it’s snowing in the world deserts around the world. If those strange events aren’t enough to make you notice maybe the fact that there is a hurricane that seems to be getting worse …

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Film Review: Mask Maker (2010)


SYNOPSIS: Evan has the perfect birthday present for Jennifer, his investment-minded girlfriend: a sweet old fixer-up home with a lot of land he bought for a steal. But the home has a deadly history that the locals know all too well, a history they refuse to speak of. Evan, Jennifer and their friends, who have arrived to help celebrate Jennifer’s …

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