In anticipation of the Steven Seagal movie “Deadly Crossing,” which hits Redbox the team has created a “Are You As Tough As Seagal” contest. “Deadly Crossing” is an adrenalin-fueled crime drama that follows Elijah Kane (Seagal), leader of a Special Investigation Unit, and his skilled four-member team as they track a network of drug dealers and killers led by Russian …
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Film Review: Against The Dark (2008)
Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Katana master Tao (Steven Seagal) leads a special ops squad of ex-military vigilantes on a massacre mission, their target: vampires. On the post apocalyptic globe, sucked dry by bloodthirsty vampires, a few remaining survivors are trapped in an infected hospital. Tao is their only hope and he knows the only cure is execution. Now it’s time …
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