Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: In a sleepy and uneventful small town, three college students, bored and desperate to make their mark, plot a savage and merciless murder. Electing to keep a video journal to memorialize their bizarre pact, they plot in secret, devising a homemade death chamber that will allow them to see, hear, feel, and linger over their intended …
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Film Review: Gimme Shelter (2007)
SYNOPSIS: It’s just another day in a small New Mexican town. The folks of the small community go about their normal daily business never realizing that on the outskirts of town there is an evil just waiting for the sun to go down. That evil comes in the form of a young man named Phillip who is out to get his fathers …
Read More »Film Review: The Stink of Flesh (2005)
SYNOPSIS: Wandering a zombie wasteland, Matool survives by his wits and animal instinct, often employing his trusty hammer and gigantic nails to fend off the ravenous hordes of flesh-eating undead. But when he is kidnapped by a mysterious couple, Matool must rely on an entirely different weapon in his arsenal to survive… Written & directed by Scott Phillips (screenwriter of …
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