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Tag Archives: Robin Tunney

Film Review: The Craft (1996)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: A newcomer to a Catholic prep high school falls in with a trio of outcast teenage girls who practice witchcraft, and they all soon conjure up various spells and curses against those who anger them. REVIEW: It’s one thing to call the 1996 film “The Craft” iconic and a cult favorite, it’s another to say it’s …

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Film Review: Supernova (2000)


SYNOPSIS: Supernova chronicles the search and rescue patrol of a medical ship in deep space in the early 22nd century and its six-member crew which includes a Captain and Pilot, a co-pilot, a medical officer, a medical technician, a search and rescue paramedic, and a computer technician. When their vessel, the Nightingale 229, answers an emergency distress signal from a …

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