SYNOPSIS: Years following the events of “The Shining,” a now-adult Dan Torrance meets a young girl with similar powers as he tries to protect her from a cult known as The True Knot who prey on children with powers to remain immortal. REVIEW: Full disclosure, The Shining is one of my favorite films ever. It is amazingly shot, has an …
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Film Review: The Snowman (2017)
SYNOPSIS: A detective tries to stop a deranged serial killer (who taunts his would-be victims with snowmen) from claiming more victims before the next big snowfall of the season. REVIEW: I remember seeing the trailer for The Snowman a few months ago and my initial thoughts were that someone had made a live-action version of the classic 1982 short narrated …
Read More »Film Review: Life (2017)
SYNOPSIS: A team of six scientists aboard the International Space Station discover a rapidly evolving life form that caused extinction on Mars, and now threatens the crew and all life on Earth. REVIEW: Director: Daniel Espinosa Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds, Rebecca Ferguson, Hiroyuki Sanada, Ariyon Bakare, Olga Dihovichnaya The story of having a malicious alien loose on a spaceship …
Read More »Film Review: Life (2017) – Review 2
SYNOPSIS: A team of scientists aboard the International Space Station discover a rapidly evolving life form, that caused extinction on Mars, and now threatens the crew and all life on Earth. REVIEW: Life was a film that limped into theatres, rather than one which kicked the door down and demanded we all take notice. Its faltering movements perhaps brought on …
Read More »Film Review: The Girl on the Train (2016)
SYNOPSIS: A divorcee becomes entangled in a missing persons investigation that promises to send shockwaves throughout her life. REVIEW: If you’re like myself, you’re up for a good murder mystery/thriller movie every once in a while. I always thought it was fun to try to put the clues together and guess who the killer is. I think that’s been the …
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