“JEEPERS CREEPERS 3, the third installment in the iconic horror franchise, starring Jonathan Breck as The Creeper, along with Gabrielle Haugh, Stan Shaw, Meg Foster, Chester Rushing and Gina Philips. The film will premiere in movie theaters nationwide for a special one night only event on Tuesday, September 26.” The legendary Jonathan Breck, The Creeper himself took time to talk …
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Film Review: Jeepers Creepers (2001)
SYNOPSIS: A brother and sister driving home for spring break encounter a flesh-eating creature in the isolated countryside that is on the last day of its ritualistic eating spree. REVIEW: Jeepers Creepers takes a welcome approach back to the old days of monster movies. It was this premise and presentation that made Jeepers Creepers 1 of my all time favorite …
Read More »Film Review: Jeepers Creepers II (2003)
SYNOPSIS: Set a few days after the original, a championship basketball team’s bus is attacked by The Creeper, the winged, flesh-eating terror, on the last day of his 23-day feeding frenzy. REVIEW: With a successful first run, the Creeper has returned with an appetite. We begin with a helper title card that announces “every 23 years he gets to eat …
Read More »Interview: Jonathan Breck (Jeepers Creepers 1,2)
It’s my understanding that you will be returning in Jeepers Creepers III? JB: Yes! I just received an email the other day regarding another possible sequel. I am very excited about it. I am pretty happy with the script and it should be released next fall. What were your thoughts when you read the script of the first Creeper films?
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