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Tag Archives: Jo Hartley

Film Review: Prevenge (2016)


SYNOPSIS: Widow Ruth is seven months pregnant when, believing herself to be guided by her unborn baby, she embarks on a homicidal rampage, dispatching anyone who stands in her way. REVIEW: Director: Alice Lowe Writer: Alice Lowe Starring: Alice Lowe, Jo Hartley, Tom Davis, Kayvan Novak, Gemma Whelan Prevenge is, by the title alone, a worthy impulse watch. A pregnant …

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Film Review: Inbred (2011)


SYNOPSIS: Four young offenders and their workers spend a weekend in the remote Yorkshire village of Mortlake, which prides on keeping itself to itself. A minor incident with locals rapidly escalates into a blood-soaked, deliriously warped nightmare. REVIEW: Just when you thought you’ve seen it all, this surprise extreme addition comes way per director Alex Chandon To start off, it …

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