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Tag Archives: George Clarke

Film Review: Splash Area (2012)


SYNOPSIS: Halloween night. A night filled with fancy dress costumes, candy, screams and blood. And then there’s the ‘trick-or-treaters’. REVIEW: Splash Area is an indie film from the UK. After watching it, I did a bit of research and found some interesting facts about the production that I must mention first – 1) this film was made for 500 British …

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Film Review: Zombie Games: The Knackery (2009)


SYNOPSIS: Contestants enter into battle against one another on a popular reality TV show called The Knackery. Of course, there’s a twist to this violent program: the producers unleash hordes of zombies onto the set in order to make things more challenging for the contestants. REVIEW: THE KNACKERY has an ethic, a grindhouse purism, which is both commendable and impressive. …

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