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Tag Archives: Dan Ellis

Film Review: Star Vehicle (2010)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: “Star Vehicle” follows the downward spiral of movie driver Donald Cardini, a self-professed movie buff with a penchant for explosive violence when provoked. Driving the stars of low-budget movies, along with their fragile egos, to and from locations in the middle of nowhere, pushes Don’s buttons in all of the wrong directions. When Luke, the young …

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Film Review: Hanger (2009)


Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Pulled into this world to take you out! A horrifying tale of revenge…beginning with a back-alley abortion and ending with a bloodbath so vicious that it brings a new meaning to “an eye for eye”. From pimps to dealers, from hookers and junkies…”Hanger” washes the filth away with their own blood, cleaning the streets and making …

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