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Tag Archives: Craig Rees

Lake Alice


SYNOPSIS: Meeting the Thomas family for the first time, Ryan Emerson (Schmidt) must prove his intentions with their daughter, Sarah (Tudor), and win the approval of her father, Greg (O’Brien), while he masks his jealousy for Sarah’s ex-fling, Tyler (Eaton). As the Thomases settles in, things start to happen around the cabin: strange footprints by the windows, noises from outside, …

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Film Review: Whispers (2017)


SYNOPSIS: A young couple grieving the recent death of their daughter move to the countryside where they are haunted by their tragedy and a sinister darkness. REVIEW: From director Tammi Sutton (who looks to have had plenty of experience with various horror productions) comes the new ghostly thriller “Whispers“. As with any new horror film, I often find that it …

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