Sinister Pointe Productions, the minds behind some of the most popular haunted attractions worldwide, announces the unveiling of its brand new venture, Sinister Pointe’s Spirit Lounge coming soon to downtown Brea. This highly unique and interactive bar will feature state-of-the-art special visual FX, gags and an amazing collection of ever-changing classic and current horror movie replicas and original collectibles.
Owner Jeff Schiefelbein, who has also designed high-octane, interactive mazes based on the Silent Hill video games and Saw horror movie franchise, asserts that if you’re a horror fan, then Sinister Pointe’s Spirit Lounge should be your final resting place.
Sinister Pointe has partnered with the most talented team of hospitality professionals in the industry. Our operations managers have over 20 years of experience in successfully building and growing themed bars and restaurants. The Spirit Lounge hospitality staff will be cast to provide a memorable guest experience.
With creative drink specials, ghostly apparitions, c**ktail glasses that mysteriously move around the Ouija board bar table tops and more, the Spirit Lounge will be a haunting rendezvous that’s not to be missed.
For more information about Sinister Pointe Productions and the Sinister Pointe Spirit Lounge, visit: or