In the early 90’s there were a group of guys, from the mean streets of Gloucester City, who created a wrestling group literally from the ground up. They quickly made New Jersey the hot bed for “backyard wrestling” before backyard wrestling was trending worldwide. The promotion was called Hardcore Wrestling International, and it soon out grew it’s grass roots and moved into the world famous Monster Factory.
It was through the underground world to wrestling tape traders that they gained a global audience. They formed solid relationships with other companies of similar interest, World Wrestling Enterprises from North Jersey, and California Creative Wrestling from Northern California. HWI spawned several stars that moved on to the professional wrestling circuit, like ECW’s Blue Meanie and NWA’s Twiggy H. Ramirez and Madonna Wayne Gacy. This video is a tribute to those HWI originals, “The Southern Badboy” Bobby Decker, “Sensei” Michael Parisi, Johnny Rotten, “Big Bad” John Day, Demonic Savage, Death Kotegaeshi, and “The Nagasaki Nightmare – The Highly Combustible” – Steve Ignorant!