Update on new online web series titled CHASING MONSTERS, you can grab a peek her below!
“Teddy” is Part I in a five part web series, created by Director Randy Hall and Writer Jason Klefisch (the founders of Chasing Monsters Productions). “Teddy” is aimed to introduce the audience into this world of the unknown. With each installment to the Chasing Monsters Web Series, we will be pulling back the curtains a little more, as well as, implementing different styles and narratives.
This is a world of creatures, lurking in the dark, and these five films will explore that world.
In “Teddy” we meet a man who is preparing his family for a storm like no other.
So sit back and enjoy — to keep up on the rest of the web series, or to know more about Chasing Monsters Productions, visit: http://vimeo.com/chasingmonsters
[vimeo]https://vimeo.com/54063878 [/vimeo] [vimeo]https://vimeo.com/59645210[/vimeo]