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Home | The TLA Cult Awards Are Back and Ready for Your Vote!

The TLA Cult Awards Are Back and Ready for Your Vote!

Nominations Announced for Annual Celebration of Cult, Horror and Exploitation Cinema. Gandu and The Bunny Game lead with Three Nominations Each.

Philadelphia, PAMarch 1st, 2013 – Just when you thought award season was over, the TLA Cult Awards are back and filled with more cult movie mayhem than ever!  The self-described MOST IMPORTANT MOVIE AWARDS OF ALL TIME, hosted on TLACult.com (tlacult.com) the cult, horror and exploitation arm of legendary Philadelphia based online home entertainment retailer TLAvideo.com (tlavideo.com), celebrate the best cult, horror, underground and arthouse DVD releases of 2012 in the legendary DVD-peddler’s trademark twisted, irreverent style.


Now in its fourth year, this year’s programmers have, once again, stepped up their game and nominated a mix of bizarre, sexy and just plain deranged films. This year’s distinguished categories include The TLA Cult Super Awesome Culty Award, Sickest Flick and Best Movie Where People Do Sex Stuff for Real as well as slightly more “normal” categories like Best Horror DVD, Best Grindhouse/Exploitation and newly-created category Best Mainstream Genre Flick. Gandu, the debut release from upstart DVD label Artsploitation Films, and twisted horror film The Bunny Game from Autonomy Pictures lead the pack with three nominations apiece.

“To an outsider, our nominees must look like a random and ultra-bizarre bunch, but these are the types of films people come to TLA Cult to find.” proclaimed Dan Reed, Managing Editor of TLACult.com, “Our editorial staff loved these movies and so did our fans. This year, we nominated the most disturbing cartoon I’ve ever seen, a great Mondo Macabro restoration of a Jess Franco classic, an Indian rap musical so sexually graphic it was banned in India, a Jane Campion movie about sleeping prostitutes and a very funny grindhouse horror throwback called Bloody Bloody Bible Camp. They’re all very different from each other, but they all fit perfectly into what we do here.”

Nominees were selected by members of TLA’s editorial and purchasing staff and were limited to DVD and Blu-ray releases from 2012. TLA also has a category, Best Website/Blog/Podcast/Whatever, that honors bloggers and other web personalities who help celebrate underground cinema and help keep cult movies alive. Nominees can be viewed and votes can be cast at TLACult.com/TLACultAwards2013. Voting is open through March 31st, 2013 and winners will be announced on April 16th, 2013.

“It was a really great year for cult and grindhouse DVDs. Impulse Pictures wowed all of us with their Nikkatsu Erotic Collection so a few of those got nomination. We also saw a spike in DVDs coming out that aren’t P*rn, but do feature at least one real sex act. Of course, they all sold like crazy so we created the new category (Best Movie Where People Do Sex Stuff for Real) in response. I know who I’m voting for, but I’m always surprised at the way the fan voting goes down. It should be very exciting,” added Reed

TLA Entertainment offers the very best in home entertainment offering a vast catalog of movies for every type of consumer, from quirky Independent cinema to outstanding Cult & Horror movies to Gay films and the hottest in both Straight and Gay adult entertainment.

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