The Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision blog has Bousman signing on with producers Wayne Rice and Richard Heller to bring us a feature about the phenomenon that is 11:11. Rice noticed that November 11, 2011 (11-11-11) fell on a Friday next year and the producer immediately saw the potential of the release date. All he had to do now was find a filmmaker that could throw together a story to go with the release date. So then came Darren Lynn Bousman.
The 11:11 movement is centered on the emergence of that number in people’s lives that alerts them to angels or spirit guardians trying to communicate with them. Conspiracy theorists also point to the number 11’s involvement in historical events. 11 11 11 will take on the idea of 11 gates of Heaven and how on 11:11 on the 11th day of the 11th month, the 11th gate will open up and something from another world will enter the earthly realm for 49 minutes.
Producer Wayne Rice had the following to say:
“He [Bousman] and I sat down and over some pasta, (and) the materialized. A lot of this has been New Age-y or biblical, with talk of angels. Leave it to Darren to see the dark side of that date. …. This is a marketer’s dream.”
Bousman adds: “With ‘Saw’ and ‘Repo,’ my career has been about finding new ways to freak people out; that’s what I want to do with this. We want to take this phenomenon and give it horrific purpose.”