It was only a few weeks ago I was reviewing Sister Sin’s previous release titled “True Sound of the Underground” that I didn’t think could be topped from the band. I’m happy to say that I was WRONG after just being handed an advance listen to their upcoming release titled, “Now and Forever”
It was clear from the powerhouse of tracks that came hammering at me, that “Now and Forever” is one CD to be reckoned with. Singer Liv comes sporting a sledgehammer this round that smacks you dead in the face with a great smattering of hard rock tracks. Each hits you like a tidal wave with catchy lyrics and strong melodies attached to a collection of tunes that never seem to let up from their initial onslaught. Starting with the line up of offerings this round we have the release’s obvious stand out track, “End of the Line”
“End of the Line”, clearly one of my favorites from this release grabs you by the throat with an anthem that is clearly a reason to bring back MTV’s head-bangers ball. Haven’t caught the early release yet? Then make sure and take quick look at the band’s recent video.
Following it’s strong lead track, Liv and the band don’t waste a moment hitting you with “Fight Song”, another powerhouse tune that really sets the pace for the collection. You’ve got to hand it a group who knows how to plant their grips into you with every track.
This trend follows like clockwork from one heavy number into the next with songs like “In It for Life”, pushing you forward every step of the way.
“Hearts of Cold” talks of vigilante outlaws bringing a round of “stand up and shout lyrics” that remind me of the older “Skidrow” days
“Hang ‘Em High” delivers a slice of classic power chords emphasizing Liv’s great unflinching rock vocals.
“Shades of Black” pumps a heavy number under its brooding bass licks
The release’s final track “Morning After” surprisingly is a ballad! After being rocked hard front to end, this track actually ends up showing singer Liv Jagrell’s true versatility as vocalist with a beautiful performance that will send chills. What a great way to round off one of the band’s strongest release to date.
“Now and Forever” will strangely hit you like an old friend from a time when things were cranked up to 10 alot more often. I could go on, citing the influences that this CD echoes, but at the end of the day, it is a solid performance from a band that knows how to do things the way they should. Hard and heavy. Easily one of the best hard rock releases this year!
Music Review: Sister Sin – Now and Forever