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Interview: Emma Lock (The Human Centipede 2)

Exclusive Horrornews.net Interview: Emma Lock
Movie: The Human Centipede 2

Hello Emma, First off I’m so glad you reached out to Horrornews.net for an interview. I was reading your IMDB profile and there’s a spot where it mentions that after you moved to China you spent time catching lizards and insects (maybe even centipedes). Wow, did you ever think way back then, that one day you would become part of a Human Centipede ?

I have always been captivated by animals and I would spend hours outside catching all sorts of creepy crawlies. I had a run in with a massive, aggressive centipede as a child which I try not to think about, but I never thought I would become part of a Human Centipede, but if I had been given the chance even back then as a kid, I probably would have jumped on it. I’ve always loved the absurd and bizarre.

How did you get involved in The Human Centipede 2 ?

My agent called me and asked if I would like to audition for the film. I had to think quite hard about it because it is such a niche film, but I agreed because it is such a unique film to be a part of. The audition process consisted of 2 parts. Part one was to watch the film and if you were still in the room by the end of the film, you were invited back the next day to audition. The audition itself was very intense. I was asked to lay on the floor, pretend to be gagged, naked and cold, and then to imagine someone raping me. I did my best and a few days later on my graduation, I got the news that Tom offered me a role in the film.
ahumancen1Did you chose to be the ass end of the centipede or was that honor given to you ?

When I got the call that Tom had offered me a role, all I knew was that the characters name was Kim and she was in the actual centipede. Little by little over the coming weeks more little segments of information came my way which I had to link together. It wasn’t until the script was given to me about a month before filming, that I found out that Kim was the ass-end. It was a very proud moment!

How was the everyone who made up the human centipede attached to each other ?

We were attached in a variety of ways. As we had casts of our bottoms and mouths done, some days we would have those attached to us and we would each just bite on to the person’s ass in front. Other days when we were short for time we would just have to get really friendly really quickly! I’ll leave that up to the imagination of the readers…

How was it working with Tom Six ?

Absolutely brilliant! As a director, he has utmost respect for his cast and crew and made sure that we were comfortable and well looked after. He does have a tendency to get carried away with his visions, but that’s just part of the genius of Tom. As a person, he is the sweetest man in the world. I trust him 100%.

Is there anything in the movie that made you uncomfortable?

All of it! The film contains so much sensitive content that it’s only natural to feel uncomfortable. By nature I don’t like to offend, so I had to put that part of myself to one side and make peace with the fact that this film was created to shock, offend and push people to the limit.

Do you have any interesting stories from making The Human Centipede 2 ?

Lots of interesting and odd things happened during the filming. We had Martins van broken in to and equipment stolen. We had a visit from the police because the public who stumbled across our set believe we were really mangled victims of a psychopath and during the end scene where Martin is picking us all off, I suffered a concussion from one of the controlled explosives attached to my head going wrong. But of all the things that I expected to happen on the set of The Human Centipede, I never expected to find love. Believe it or not, it’s not the most romantic of films to work on. Michael, was working as the centipede wrangler and the second he walked on to set, we locked eyes and I was sold. From my point of view, he was the most gorgeous thing id ever seen – and I was in love with his centipedes. He looked at me and saw a half naked lady, caked in blood and with a fake arse hanging off her body!

Can you share with us what was your favorite scene from The Human Centipede 2 ?

The poo scene! I split my sides with laughter while filming that scene because it was jus so absurd and so funny!
The poo itself tasted incredible, so when it came to having to spit it all out and create the illusion on explosive diarrhea, there was hardly any left because we had all eaten it!

I definitely want to hear what you have to say about creepy fans?

Well, I’ve had a load of varied mail and messages. Some of it is funny and interesting, and others are just creepy. Some people have twitter/facebooked me asking if I would join them at Sexipede evenings where people create human centipedes together. (Thanks, but no thanks!). Another person at a horror film event followed me with a huge album full of pictures of me that I didn’t even know existed! That was pretty intense. At the same event there was a guy with a cardboard cut out of me that he had wrapped gaffer tape around. That was pretty creepy, but also quite funny.

What else is coming up for Emma Lock ?

Eventually I would like to work in action film, but I have been speaking with a couple of directors about the possibility of doing some Sci-Fi films and another horror. I love the horror genre, but if I do another in the immediate future, it would have to be a psychological horror. The kind that keeps you awake at night and makes your heart race, your body sweat and your mind play tricks on you.

I’m also working with Michael, towards opening an animal sanctuary and learning centre. We have a film crew quite interested in following us on that adventure. And before you ask, the centipede from the film WILL be accompanying us all the way!

Interview: Emma Lock (The Human Centipede 2)

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