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Horrornews.net Giveaway! Free Passes to Days of the Dead Convention

DAYSOFTHEDEAD-400x244Horrornews.net and Days of the Dead are teaming up for a horror awesome GIVEAWAY! We have 10 Weekend Passes to give away for FREE and all you need to do is… be the first to email me at joyhorror@horrornews.net with the correct answer to the following question.

“Rowdy” Roddy Piper is the star of what John Carpenter horror movie? This is what you need to do. You need to email me with “Days of the Dead Contest” in the subject line and then in the body of the email, I need your full name and the answer to that question.

If you are among the first 10 fans to respond with the correct answer, I’ll be sending you a return email within 24 hours to notify you that you are a winner. Please be advised that if you are a contest winner, you will be able to pick up your Days of the Dead Weekend Pass via Will Call at the Convention.

We will not be mailing actual passes out. You will need a valid form of photo ID to be able to pick up your FREE pass. It is important that the name on the email matches the name on your valid photo ID. This contest is for fans only, and not members of the Days of the Dead Convention or Horrornews.net

I’m completely Dead Excited to be working with the Days of the Dead Convention on this GIVEAWAY! Here’s a bonus – If you are a Days of the Dead Contest winner and you send me pictures taken at the Days of the Dead Convention, I will post some of your photographs right here on Horrornews.net!


Good Luck!

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